Entitled (Pt. 2)
As you recall, I was writing about this ow-ow-ow pulse that is hidden within that track, while saying that one danger was overdoing it.

Still standing (Pt. 1)
Today, I'll honor an old one. It (he?) fuels me since I've known him. Been there for ages, will be for ages more...

Working on Persuaded!
Today, back in the studio, at last!!! Feels so good after many months with so many things to do re: the release of No Limit and its aftermat

Entitled - Lyrics
For all these years we’ve run around
And were confronted
And all these years we’ve spun around
The place we’d wanted
We’d attempted
To meet

Entitled (Pt. 1)
The whole thing about this track originated in the Ow-Ow-Ow... pulse it contains.

My Guitar & Great Art (Pt. 1)
Looking at it I will think about music. Picking up my guitar and it will sing with some sort of similar vibe. Well... oftentimes, at least: