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Working on Long Gone Memories (Pt. 2)

This "In the studio" series is about any news from the studio, what’s up, what’s going on there, what’s on my mind :)


Hey all, today I've been back to working on Long Gone Memories. I had already written about it a little while ago (see there).

This track will go into my next album.

Long Gone Memories started as a 12" piece (yeah, I mean 12 seconds :) ), working as a transition between two other songs. But its title kept nagging me. I had come up with it on the spur of the moment, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt there was nothing random in that choice and I had just told myself something without actually knowing it. But as time has gone by I have have started knowing exactly what I wanted to do with it, a sort of reminiscent echo of other things, where you may or may not recognize some of the elements that work as building block into it. Now, this 12" little thing has become a 2:50 central piece, with a significant intro before that, and with the real transition to the next song taking the form of an as significant outro. Take all this together and you now have something like 4:30 long.

Composition and recording are now over and mixing is well under way. It will soon be ready to go to mastering.

So stay tuned! Who know's? There could be more coming soon ;)

EverNoize - 2017

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